Model Teachers

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Model Teachers at NNPS

Model Teachers:
High School Social Studies

Meet this model teacher team and learn how college, career and citizen-ready skills come alive in their classrooms!

Lori Buck

Content: High School US, World & African American History
School: An Achievable Dream Middle & High
Years Taught: 17

What do you love most about teaching?
I love teaching the students how to think about the past from multiple perspectives. This skill helps them look at a topic and be better listeners to opinions they may or may not agree with. Hopefully, this skill will teach them to value others' opinions throughout their lives.

What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
Patient. It takes time to develop a mind to become a respectful, critical thinker who cares about the world and everything that lives in it.

David Reed

Content: US & World History
School: Denbigh High
Years Taught: 23

What do you love most about teaching?
The thing that I love most about teaching is working with young people and watching them grown and succeed!

What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
Empathetic. It is how I try to run my classroom and my classes.

Jamin Riley

Content: World History; Af. Am. History
School: Denbigh High
Years Taught: 9

What do you love most about teaching?
The students. They make me laugh most days. I enjoy getting students engaged with the most interesting or important content.

Why do you love working in NNPS?
My colleagues. They offer support, guidance, and resources whenever I need them.

Erin Porter

Content: 12th Grade Government (Early College, Honors, Average, Online)
School: Menchville High
Years Taught: 25

What do you love most about teaching?
The primary aspect that immediately springs to my thoughts regarding my affection for teaching is the profound influence we have over our students, in terms of their progress, achievement, and inspiring critical thinking with a love of learning to last a lifetime. I get immense joy from discovering methods to spark my students' enthusiasm for learning and aiding their scholarly advancement. Discovering innovative and diverse perspectives on a subject, as well as developing fresh approaches for every new concept, presents an invigorating challenge. I also consistently push both myself and my students by establishing ambitious objectives and striving to attain them.

What is the best way to describe your classroom on a typical day?
My classroom has undergone significant changes since the Covid-19 years. It has evolved into a space characterized by positive vibes and a growth mindset. We actively engage in an environment with subdued lighting, where small groups gather around tables, all within a well-defined structure. This atmosphere reinforces the discipline that students expect, allowing them to feel secure and open to learning. With a respectful and focused framework in place, I am able to address the individual needs of my students, promote their participation in a variety of activities, and clarify concepts while encouraging critical thinking, all without disruptive behavioral practices.

Sarah Fleenor

Content: Government and Geography
School: Woodside High
Years Taught: 7

Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
I still love teaching as much as my first day, and I'm so excited to instill a little bit of what I have learned with new teachers that are excited to join the profession. It is my hope that I can provide clarity and assistance to someone, and that they feel like they can always use me as a resource in some small way.

What do you love most about teaching?
I love building relationships with students and getting to know them. I love forming inside jokes with them and seeing the moments when something in class just clicks. Also, teaching seniors is so special because you get a front row seat to watching their future unfold and you get to share their excitement.

What word best describes you as a teacher and why?
Understanding. I always try to be understanding of the situations my students are coming from. I understand we are all from different places, backgrounds, etc, and that shapes how we learn, and I want my students to know that I care about that, and I respect that.