An important aim of NNPS Youth Development programming is to connect students with nurturing adults to promote healthy relationships and bonding. To accomplish this, school-based Mentoring Coordinators partner with students, staff, and the community to promote a sense of belonging and membership for all students through existing empowerment and specialty programs. NNPS Youth Development, in partnership with MENTOR Virginia, recruits, trains, and connects mentors to schools to serve in a variety of roles.
Become a mentor! NNPS Youth Development partners with organizations, including businesses and civic organizations to create opportunities for students. Some of the ways in which mentors serve in Newport News Public Schools include:
- Mentor for small groups
- Club or activity advisor
- Guest speaker
- Event sponsor
- Tutor
- Field trip chaperone
- School-based volunteer

The My Brother's Keeper/My Sister's Keeper
The My Brother's Keeper/My Sister's Keeper program for middle and high school students connects program participants with nurturing adults, including school staff and community mentors who support development in four areas: Academics, Mental Health, Empowerment, and Future Orientation. The program emphasizes positive identity, personal accountability, and service to others.

Level Up!
Level Up! engages elementary students in evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies and activities that strengthen pro-social skills and which promote positive outcomes for participants. Students connect regularly with community mentors, including uniformed Newport News Police Officers and NNPS staff who lead small group sessions designed to promote positive decision making, identity development, and leadership among students.

Peer Mentoring
Student leaders are encouraged to serve as mentors to peers in their schools and for their younger peers in other schools. Students experience service learning opportunities and receive mentoring training to lead programming and activities for other students.