Family Life Education

The Newport News Public Schools Family Life Education (FLE) curriculum is taught in grades K-12. Lessons include age-appropriate instruction in family and community relationships, assertiveness and safety skills, abstinence education, the value of postponing sexual activity, human sexuality and human reproduction, and the prevention and effects of sexually transmitted infections. Instruction is designed to promote parental involvement, foster positive self-esteem, and provide coping mechanisms for dealing with peer pressure and stressors related to the developmental stages and abilities of the students.

Newport News Public Schools believes that it is important to provide age-appropriate and accurate information to students so that every child can make healthy life decisions. This is best accomplished through a partnership among students, parents, schools, and the community.

Parents have the right to review the complete FLE curricula, including all supplemental materials used in any FLE program. Click here to access the curricula and/or opt-out of lessons. This will direct you to the NNPS Family Life Education Canvas page.

We invite parents, community members, educators, and medical professionals to be a part of the FLEAC committee. If you are interested, please complete the Google form.