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S.A.G.E. Student Advisory Group on Education
Student Advisory Group on Education (SAGE)

The Superintendent has several advisory groups with whom she meets when making decisions concerning the school division, and the education of our city's youngest residents. One such group is composed of high school students. The division superintendent meets with them regularly and considers their perspective and personal insight on various initiatives and issues. This group is formally called the Student Advisory Group on Education, or SAGE. Representing every high school, the involved students go through an application process, and are selected to serve for a school year. During their monthly SAGE meetings, members have shared their views and offered suggestions and input on various education matters from the divisionwide grading scale to major revisions to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.

As the membership of SAGE includes representatives from each of the six high schools in Newport News, one of the most important annual responsibilities of the group is to elect the Student Representative to the School Board to increase Board awareness of the views of students. The Student Representative participates in School Board work sessions and meetings and also co-chairs SAGE meetings with the Superintendent.