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Gifted Education at NNPS

Gifted Education at NNPS

Our Vision

In the Gifted Services learning community, we are committed to enriching and extending student learning by fostering analytical thinking to empower students to become self-directed learners. Through a foundation of collaboration, creative and critical thinking, we cultivate an atmosphere that celebrates diverse learning styles. We create a vibrant and inclusive environment were every student is engaged and inspired to explore the joy of learning.

Our Goals

We strive to provide a rigorous academic environment specifically designed to meet the intellectual, creative, social, and emotional needs of gifted individuals within their unique culture to produce self-directed, life-long learners who will become productive citizens.

Our Instructional Approach

The Gifted Services instructional program is designed around the learning styles and cognitive characteristics of gifted children.

Opportunities are provided for research, inquiry based learning, scientific analysis, project-based learning, abstract thinking, critical thinking, and literary analysis.

To meet the diverse needs of students identified for gifted services, teachers utilize strategies such as differentiation, subject acceleration, curriculum compacting, and tiered instruction which provides challenge and complexity.

The program also uses advanced materials as appropriate and research related to core curriculum concepts.

Questions? Please call the NNPS Gifted Services and Advanced Placement Department at (757) 591-4566.

Meet the Gifted Education Team

Dr. Kimberly Beckerdite
Supervisor, Gifted Services & Advanced Placement
(757) 591-4566 x.10274
Fax: (757) 599-5605

Ange Moore
P-TAG (2nd) and Gifted Services Testing

Kala Cespedes
P-TAG (1st) and Gifted Services Testing

Karen Canfield
P-TAG (1st), Grades 3-5 Resource

Wendy Morgan
P-TAG (1st), Grades 3-5 Resource

Stacy Wilson
P-TAG (1st), Grades 3-8 Resource

Briana Camden
World Languages (3rd-5th)

Sarah Protzman
World Languages (3rd-5th)

Leanne Krause
Secretary for Gifted Services
(757) 283-7850 x.10243
Fax: (757) 599-5605

Lisa Boone
Records Assistant