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Literacy at NNPS

Literacy at NNPS

Literacy Glossary

Automaticity – the ability to recognize words effortlessly (sight words)

Decoding – the ability to apply knowledge of letter-sound relationships to correctly pronounce written words

Encoding – using individual sounds to build and write words

Fluency – the ability to read with a rate of speed, accuracy, and expressiveness appropriate to the text

Foundational Reading Skills – includes phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, and reading comprehension

Graphemes – letters or letter combinations that represent sounds

Morphemes – meaningful units of language, such as prefixes, suffixes, and base or root words

Morphology – the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other words in the same language

Phonemes – individual sounds in a word

Phonemic Awareness – the ability to recognize the individual indivisible sounds (phonemes) that make up a word

Phonics – one-to-one letter-to-sound correspondences that lead to decoding printed words

Phonological Awareness – understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes)

Print Concepts – the organization and basic features of print

Prosody – reading with expression and appropriate intonation

Reading – drawing meaning from and making meaning of written text

Reading Comprehension – the ability to understand and make meaning from text

Systematic Instruction – word patterns are taught in a specific, sequential order

Vocabulary – the words known and/or used by a person

Writing – a form of communication used to express or communicate ideas